Here begins your evolution
Battery of tests used with all athletes, which aims to analyze the physical condition since, with the objective of controlling/monitoring the evolution throughout the season, preparing for the different moments of the season and reducing the possible risks of injury.
"The only limits to our achievements tomorrow are our doubts and hesitations today" - Franklin Roosevelt
Strength: physical quality
Power: Muscle contraction for the shortest possible time
Agility: Ability to change direction without loss of speed, strength or body control
Mobility: Ability of the joints to allow us to perform a movement with greater or lesser amplitude
Enrollment and payment of the program; Marking/scheduling of assessments; Delivery of the athlete's report; training program
Assessment of the athlete's physical state; Analysis of segmental asymmetries; Assessment of muscle asymmetries; Monitoring throughout the sporting season; Advice on the type of work to be carried out according to the tests.